Start: 05h30 at the City Hall in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Finish: 17h30 at Sahara Stadium, Kingsmead in Durban, South Africa
Distance: 89km – 56 miles

Monday, July 5, 2010

And so it begins

One week from today training for the Marine Corps Marathon officially begins! Rationally I should be nauseatingly nervous, but quite honestly I'm downright excited for training to start in earnest. Like schoolgirl on prom night excited. For the past year, I've run consistently - slowly building my base and tackling distances that this time last year I would have scoffed at. While I've talked about running a marathon for years, I never took the leap and committed myself to the actual running part of the dream. Minor details. This time is different though. My registration fee is paid, marathon tech t-shirt has arrived, and most importantly I'm now confident in my ability to log the miles necessary to pull this off. That's not to say I don't envision moments when I will want to burn my Brooks sneakers and quit. Thankfully the combination of a detailed training plan, tons of NYRR races, and my amazing race partner Kim should be more than enough to keep me on track.

After several weeks of research, I've settled on a 16 week training plan courtesy of Runner's World. The plan offers a solid combination of easy runs, speedwork, gradual mileage increase, plus necessary rest/cross-training days. Every three weeks the mileage backs off a bit to prevent injuries and burn-out. A sample week will look something like this:
Mon/Wed/Sat - Rest / Cross-train
Tues/Fri - Easy run (6-8mi)
Wed - Tempo run / speedwork (5-9mi)
Sun - Long run (10-20mi)

I won't be running more than 4 days a week, a prospect that does slightly worry me. My natural impulse is to run as much as humanly possible in preparation for the daunting task of running a marathon. Clearly, however, that would not be a particularly responsible or safe way to go about training. As much as I'm looking forward to the MCM experience (and Comrades after that), running is an activity that I'd like to continue throughout my life, which means not blowing out my joints in my mid-20s as a result of overambitious training. Me, take on more than I can handle? Neeeeever.

Sadly Kim and I won't be able to train daily together for the race, but we have signed up for a bunch of races this summer/fall to keep us honest and force us out on the dreaded 20 mile long runs. Yes, runs. Our training plan includes three 20 mile runs before the actual marathon. AWESOME. Luckily, many of NYRR's summer races are timed perfectly to overlap with the training plan's scheduled long runs. It will definitely be a ton easier to slog through 3 hour runs with volunteer manned water stations and post race bagel/banana stands. Also speaking of race prep, Kim and I are in the market for a team name. Any ideas? Something preferably that won't raise awkward questions from my parents when they see it printed on our singlets...

Upcoming races:
July 10 - NYRR Splash and Dash 10k
July 24 - NYRR Queens Half Marathon
August 1 - NYRR Marathon Tune-up #1 (14M)
August 15 - NYRR Bronx Half Marathon
August 28 - NYRR Marathon Tune-up #2 (20M)
September 19 - NYRR Marathon Tune-up #3 (20M)
September 26 - 5th Avenue Mile


  1. Hm. I should probably register for the second tune-up, but will not be making the Queens half as it is one of two weekends planned at home this summer. And it's the family birthday weekend. And I am terrified at the fact that commitment starts so soon.

    PS-I may have to run a couple miles this week before the 10K. The "not training for races" thing should probably end at this point...

  2. Tangential side note, but we followed (and took a picture, no worries) a car with license plate 100K RNR. Virginia plates so we thought could be you one day...

  3. a) yay queens marathon!
    b) "The Tigers" clearly
    c) goooooooooooooood luck!

  4. Hehe yes, Kim, you prolly should do a few miles before the race. Just promise me you won't pitch up to the MCM without running before... Also may sign up for the third tune-up in Oct as the last 20M before tapering. Will let you know. PS we also need to figure out what eye searing color to order our singlets in!!

    Em, I love you. If I ever learn to drive and I survive all this crazy running, I would def get obnoxious plates like that.

    D, that name is purrrrrfect. Keeping my fingers crossed that the race route goes through Astoria (it has too, right?)! It starts in Flushing so maybe I'll pregame the race with some of our faves from the Golden Coin Mall. Probably a HORRENDOUS idea...

  5. If we have to be the tigers, I have to be allowed to run in my tiger print spikes. Not sure that's the best idea for 26 miles but...

  6. Haha we don't HAVE to be the tigers. But it is so RAWR. I mean we can always go back to the old faithful "The Slushies..."

    Tiger print outfits would be pretty clutch though. May have to veto you wearing spikes; I only see bad things happening to your joints with that.
